
Prime ministers discuss price for Russian natural gas for Belarus

14 Апреля’20

Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Rumas talked to Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Mishustin over the phone on 13 April, the press service of the Belarusian government told BelTA.

Sergei Rumas and Mikhail Mishustin discussed a number of topical matters concerning cooperation in the sphere of energy resources, including the price for Russian natural gas for Belarus taking into account changes in prices for energy resources on the world market.

Apart from that, the heads of government touched upon deliveries of individual kinds of food and medical products from Russia to Belarusian commercial entities.

Sergei Rumas and Mikhail Mishustin exchanged views on results of the latest session of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council. The session was held as a videoconference on 10 April. The prime ministers also exchanged views on matters of integration within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. The sides agreed to continue consultations about unresolved issues concerning strategic directions of advancement of Eurasian economic integration in the period till 2025.

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