
Vytoki festival arrives in Minsk

27 Августа’21

The cultural and sports festival “Vytoki. A Step Toward Olympus” will take place in Minsk on 27-28 August, BelTA learned from the press service of the Minsk City Council.

The festival has already traveled to Lida, Orsha, Kobrin, Mozyr, Bobruisk and Soligorsk. Now it is Minsk's turn. The festival will kick start in the capital city of Belarus on 27 August at 11.00 with an excursion program to the Upper Town, the historical center of the city.

One of the iconic places of Minsk - the City Hall – will host the Wheel of Time exhibition featuring Belarusian artists (opens at 12.30) and an exhibition of children's drawings (12.30). The round table to discuss the development and promotion of national and regional brands will start here at 13.00. Authors of creative and innovative projects “Youth Brand” will get expert advice in their areas of activity.

The first day of the festival will wrap up with an organ music concert by Valery Shmat “My Step Toward Olympus” that will start in the Upper City concert hall at 19.00.

The second day of the festival promises to be just as eventful. It will move to the site near the Minsk Sports Palace. All sporting events will be held in the format of an Olympic quest. Visitors will be able to take part in competitions, test their abilities in various sports and win valuable prizes.

A food court, a family recreation area and the Belarusian Brands stalls will be up and running all day starting from 11:00. Visitors will see products highlighting historical and cultural traditions of ethnic groups living in Belarus. Honey, zefir and marshmallow from Krasny Pischevik, chocolate from Kommunarka, cheeses, dairy products of Kobrin Creamery, kebabs and other treats from Lidakhleboprodukt, ice cream and drinks and many more.

Artisans from all over Belarus will bring original souvenirs with a national flavor.

On 28 August at 17.00, winners of a junior song contest will be announced on the main stage of the festival near the Sports Palace. The winners will receive not only diplomas and prizes, but also an opportunity to work with the country's best teachers.

The festival program will conclude at 19.00 with a concert of popular artists accompanied by the Presidential Orchestra of Belarus under the baton of Vitaly Kulbakov. The fireworks will light up the evening sky at 22.00.

Vytoki is a Belarusian brand that promotes Belarusian national culture, history, traditions, and sport achievements of the country and its regions. The main objectives of the project are to create a common social and educational space, bring together people of different interests and ages, promote regional and national brands, and celebrate achievements in sports, science and art.

The organizers of the Vytoki festival are the National Olympic Committee of Belarus, the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, the Arthaos and BelBrandAudit companies.

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