New oil deposit found in Gomel Oblast

25 Февраля’21

A new oil deposit has been found in Khoiniki District, Gomel Oblast over 4,200m below the surface. The oil well's output is 20 tonnes per day, BelTA learned from Piotr Povzhik, Deputy Director General of the Belarusian industrial group Belorusneft.

The new oil deposit Vostochno-Izbynskaya is located in Khoiniki District, Gomel Oblast. The area is in the central part of the Pripyat Trough.

Once the oil well's construction is completed and the geological structure of the Vostochno-Izbynskaya oil deposit is ascertained, the oil reserves will be calculated and will be entered into state records. In 2021-2022 Belorusneft specialists intend to drill 13 exploratory wells in order to study the resource potential of the central part of the Pripyat Trough. According to preliminary estimates, the daily oil output will be at least 50 tonnes. It is light oil that can be extracted using conventional methods.

In 1966-2021 over 138 million tonnes of oil was extracted in Belarus, with over 7 million meters of rock drilled.

The Belarusian industrial group Belorusneft was founded in 1966. The company specializes in exploration, prospecting, and development of oil fields, well drilling, extraction of oil and associated petroleum gas. Belorusneft also offers oil industry services in other countries.

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