
Minsk introduces new COVID-19 restrictions

13 Апреля’21

The Minsk City Hall has introduced amendments to the comprehensive safety plan aimed at preventing the emergence and spread of COVID-19 infection in the capital city. The decision was published on the website of the Minsk City Hall, BelTA has learned.

Changes were introduced to paragraph 21 of the comprehensive safety plan, approved by Decision of the Minsk City Hall No.1069 of 7 April 2020. The new wording says that “cultural, sports, mass events and competitions at venues (concert halls, theaters, circuses, cinemas, physical education and sports facilities, etc.) should be held under the condition that the seats are filled to no more than 50% of the maximum capacity, with the accommodation of spectators at a distance of at least 1-1.5 meters from each other. The sale of tickets shall be subject to the aforementioned conditions”.

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Акция "За безопасность вместе" стартовала в Беларуси