The project, carried out by the Grodnograzhdanproekt Institute and passed the state examination, is currently undergoing the necessary approval procedures. One of them is environmental impact assessment. According to Kazimir Getsevich, Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Grodno City Executive Committee, ecologists of the Neman tobacco factory submitted for consideration a detailed report on the EIA, which is being studied by specialists. This is an important procedure, since the project for the construction of a 190 meters long pedestrian bridge, of which 130 meters above the Neman river bed, is designed to create a landscape and recreational complex connecting the territory of the Prival recreation center and the Pyshki tract. According to the factory, after passing the necessary procedures, the construction of the suspension bridge may begin this year.
Kazimir Getsevich also said that the project of using the ancient tower in Rumlevsky Park did not pass the EIA, since its new purpose does not correspond to the status of the botanical nature park. A serious study of the construction project of the new production of the Grodno glass factory in Auls, based on an environmental impact assessment, is also ahead. Ecologists on this occasion have already given their positive conclusion.