
Belarus exports its dairy to 55 countries in 2021

18 Февраля’22

Belarus exported dairy products to 55 countries in 2021, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo said at the international forum “Agriculture of Belarus. Dairy Farming”, BelTA has learned.

“We have sufficient resources to satisfy the domestic demand and to export. This is evidenced by the export indexes over the past five years. In 2021, the dairy exports increased by 47% in value terms (by $860 million) over 2016. In 2021 Belarus exported milk and dairy products worth $2.7 billion, or up by 11.6% over 2020," Igor Brylo noted.

Cheese accounted for 44.3% of Belarus' total dairy export. It is followed by butter and whole milk products, and then by skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder and other dairy products. “In 2021 Belarus exported dairy products to 55 countries tapping into new markets such as Kuwait (skimmed milk powder), Zambia (skimmed milk powder and whole milk), Antigua (cheeses). The largest market for us waso the Russian Federation,” the minister informed.

"By 2025, the production of milk and dairy products is projected to increase by 24.4% over 2019, that of cheese – by 22.1%, butter – by 10.5%, whole milk products – by 22.2% and canned milk – by 58.9%," Igor Brylo added.

Minsk is hosting the international forum “Agriculture of Belarus. Dairy Farming” on 17 February. The event highlights milk production technologies. The event has brought together experts in zootechnics, fodder production, veterinary medicine, pedigree business, and also representatives of regional agriculture and food authorities, dairy plants, and farms.

The best farms will be honored in a ceremony during the forum.

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